This blade is surprisingly good. In the Game Changer 1.05 it provides me a burn free, all day smooth, single lather shave. I've lathered twice without any sort of irritation but in that combo it's barely needed due to the efficiency of this setup. During the second pass/lather it's hard to find anything that needs cleaning up and the razor at that time is almost completely silent. Made in Vietnam, Republic of Korea on the box. If you like the good Personna Platinum blades, I think these are a suitable alternative. If you want to get away from Russian made Astra or Nacet, these are worth a try. I think they are better than the Astra's and comparable to my best shaves with the Nacets and Personnas. I'm currently testing for longevity so I can't really say if they'll last as long at the Nacets. Happy shaving!