• RazoRock Stainless Steel Lupo 58 Base Plate

  • $ 37.99 USD

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  • RazoRock Stainless Steel Lupo 58 Base Plate ONLY OPTION


    The original RazoRock Lupo was such a hit with our clients that we decided it was time to create a "gen two" version milled from marine-grade stainless steel. We listened to your feedback from the aluminum Lupo and took it to the design board to come up with a razor that is even better! The three most popular suggestions were; a) You wanted the razor to be able to rest on the side of its head while still keeping the guard width the same as the width of the blade for excellent maneuverability; b) You wanted more optionality in terms of aggression, and; c) Many of you suggested a scalloped bar would add a nice aesthetic touch!

    We delivered on all three suggestions and now the RazoRock SS Lupo is NOW available in NINE different versions,

    1. Lupo 58 - a 0.58 mm safety bar
    2. Lupo OPEN COMB 58 - a 0.58 mm Open Comb for those seeking more aggression and efficiency - Same gap and exposure as Safety Bar 58 but will be slightly more aggressive due to the Open Comb design
    3. Lupo 72 - a 0.72 mm safety bar
    4. Lupo OPEN COMB 72 - a 0.72 mm Open Comb for those seeking a lot more aggression and efficiency - Same gap and exposure as Safety Bar 72 but will be slightly more aggressive due to the Open Comb design
    5. Lupo 95 - a 0.95 mm safety bar for those seeking a lot more aggression and efficiency
    6. Lupo OPEN COMB 95 - a 0.95 mm Open Comb for those seeking a lot more aggression and efficiency - Same gap and exposure as Safety Bar 95 but will be slightly more aggressive due to the Open Comb design
    7. Lupo DC - a 0.72/0.95 dual-comb version which offers a medium-aggressive open comb side and a more aggressive safety bar side.
    8. Lupo 127 - a 1.27 mm safety bar
    9. Lupo OPEN COMB 127 - a 1.27 mm Open Comb for those seeking a lot more aggression and efficiency - Same gap and exposure as Safety Bar 127 but will be slightly more aggressive due to the Open Comb design

        Blade Gap: 0.58 mm

        Blade Exposure: Positive

        Material: 316L Marine Grade Stainless Steel

        Build: Fully CNC machined

        Finish: 3 stage, 24 hour, machine vibratory finish. It's important to note that our finish is designed to de-burr and make the pieces smooth with minimum effect on machining tolerances. It's a tool-like finish and not a mirror-type high polish; each piece is unique (no two pieces will be identical). We don't believe in hand polishing our machined safety razors because it's self-defeating. We spend so much time and effort getting the tolerances tight, a hand polish will just ruin these tolerances. We would rather give you a quality tool-like finish at a great price and leave it up to you if you want to put a jewelry type polish or gun-kote at the razor later at additional cost.

        Other Details: Each razor is engraved with a unique serial number.

        Made in Canada


        Customer Reviews

        Based on 8 reviews
        Amedeo Russo Russo
        Quasi perfetto(per le mie necessità)

        Avevo già una buona opinione sul rasoio Lupo razorock, avendone acquistato uno con un gap da 0,72, qualche tempo fa. Ma per la mia pelle risulta troppo aggressivo. Con il recente acquisto della base da 0,58 la performance è nettamente migliorata, ma non ho dato il massimo perché per me sarebbe necessario un filo di esposizione in meno. Comunque sono soddisfatto.


        Excellent razor head design. Easy to find the shaving angle. First shave two days growth ended in BBS. Highly recommend as a daily driver.

        Excellent Plate!

        I love this plate, for me, it’s in between a Muhle R89 and Merkur 34C in aggression. If you want a solid-stainless, lifetime mild-medium razor, head or if you have the cap, get this plate, it super-versatile! It’s the closest thing I’ve found to a Stainless R89.

        Additionally, any of RazoRock’s Stainless razors can become twist-adjustable w/the addition of an Uxcell M5 X 10 X 1mm Nylon insulating washer, making this razor even more versatile!

        Mind Blowing Daily Shaver

        I bought the plate as it was announced as the replica of the first Lupo with the rounded corners. Now sold as aluminium only

        I have the 95, 72 and OC versions.

        The 58 blade gao and its blade exposure is perfectly balanced for a daily shaving tool on autopilot. Its an extremely efficient shave without excessive blade feel

        The blade is clamped tight, avoiding blade chatter, and allows the razor to glide effortless WTG, XTG abd ATG on any area of the face and especially the neck.

        I would highly recommend this as a first safety razor to someone new to wet shaving. The experience would make them stick to life time of wet shaving.

        Used it with some blades like Gillette Wilkinson sword, Gillette Winner, Gillette 365 all from India, Russian blades and the sharp feather blade.


        I own a RR Lupo 72 and I owned a Lupo Aluminium. The Lupo SS 58 shaves the best in my opinion. It gave me BBS with two passes with near zero nicks. A thousand times better than Lupo 72 SS.
        Blade feel goes from zero to minimal yet efficient. I got the impression blade chattering is completely under control. The only negative outcome maybe is the scalloped bar that make you feel there's something scratching your face. Sadly, this is common with all Lupo SS base plates. However, it's just a sensation. The reality is a smooth skin and a very nice after shave sensation.


      Customer Reviews

      Based on 8 reviews
      Amedeo Russo Russo
      Quasi perfetto(per le mie necessità)

      Avevo già una buona opinione sul rasoio Lupo razorock, avendone acquistato uno con un gap da 0,72, qualche tempo fa. Ma per la mia pelle risulta troppo aggressivo. Con il recente acquisto della base da 0,58 la performance è nettamente migliorata, ma non ho dato il massimo perché per me sarebbe necessario un filo di esposizione in meno. Comunque sono soddisfatto.


      Excellent razor head design. Easy to find the shaving angle. First shave two days growth ended in BBS. Highly recommend as a daily driver.

      Excellent Plate!

      I love this plate, for me, it’s in between a Muhle R89 and Merkur 34C in aggression. If you want a solid-stainless, lifetime mild-medium razor, head or if you have the cap, get this plate, it super-versatile! It’s the closest thing I’ve found to a Stainless R89.

      Additionally, any of RazoRock’s Stainless razors can become twist-adjustable w/the addition of an Uxcell M5 X 10 X 1mm Nylon insulating washer, making this razor even more versatile!

      Mind Blowing Daily Shaver

      I bought the plate as it was announced as the replica of the first Lupo with the rounded corners. Now sold as aluminium only

      I have the 95, 72 and OC versions.

      The 58 blade gao and its blade exposure is perfectly balanced for a daily shaving tool on autopilot. Its an extremely efficient shave without excessive blade feel

      The blade is clamped tight, avoiding blade chatter, and allows the razor to glide effortless WTG, XTG abd ATG on any area of the face and especially the neck.

      I would highly recommend this as a first safety razor to someone new to wet shaving. The experience would make them stick to life time of wet shaving.

      Used it with some blades like Gillette Wilkinson sword, Gillette Winner, Gillette 365 all from India, Russian blades and the sharp feather blade.


      I own a RR Lupo 72 and I owned a Lupo Aluminium. The Lupo SS 58 shaves the best in my opinion. It gave me BBS with two passes with near zero nicks. A thousand times better than Lupo 72 SS.
      Blade feel goes from zero to minimal yet efficient. I got the impression blade chattering is completely under control. The only negative outcome maybe is the scalloped bar that make you feel there's something scratching your face. Sadly, this is common with all Lupo SS base plates. However, it's just a sensation. The reality is a smooth skin and a very nice after shave sensation.