• Merkur HD 37C Double Edge Safety Razor, Slant bar

  • $ 54.99 USD

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  • Merkur HD 37C Double Edge Safety Razor, Slant bar

    AKA, The Slant.  The 37C is a more aggressive version of the famous Merkur HD.  The head is designed so the blade is slighty twisted when secured, this allows the blade to cut quickly and cleanly, similar to the cutting action of a guillotine.

    Fitted with a more compact and maneuverable bulldog handle, this razor is capable of giving you a very quick and effective single pass shave.  The 37C is loved by gentlemen with heavy beards because of it's aggressive cutting action.

    The Merkur 37C is a two-piece razor and weight 68 grams.

    Recommended for experienced safety razor users!

    Made in Solingen, Germany

    Weight: 2.4 oz (68 g)
    Length: 3 1/4" (8 cm)


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 4 reviews
    Getting BBS shaves

    This was one of my first razor and still is one of the best. I would to be allowed to use only one razor, this would be the one. Mowing down the hairs and not even feeling the blade is the best feeling. No nicks and cuts. The blade fits in perfect all the time. I also like the 2 piece design. The weight is perfectly balanced.

    Jeff K
    Among my favorites (and my son's too!)

    My uncle gave me my first one because it just didn't fit his face and he was having problems. Since then, it's become one of my go-to razors and has been used not only my my uncle and me, but by my dad, my brother and my son.

    With an Astra, it will mow through a week's worth of growth like it isn't even there. When my son hit puberty, he initially got some acne and irritation when he used a cartridge, so I taught him how to use the slant and to go only with the grain. In a month or two, the acne was gone and he gets a great shave. I offered to let him use any razor in my collection from 1930s vintage Gillettes through modern all-stainless models, and all he will ever use is the 37C. I bought him one of his own, and I'm pretty sure he'll only give it up if I pry it from his hands.

    Yves B.

    Plenty say it is an agressive razor, they cut themselves, lots of irritations etc... Just one thing you were NOT told, align the blade with your razor top (cover) and watch the difference! You have to align your blade first, if not it is the worst possible razor, with that in mind try my my method and enjoy a smooth, close shave, irritation free!
    Thank me afterwords!

    R. E.
    Merkur Slant 37C

    I was thinking of a 39C then happened to look on kijiji and there was an almost new 37C. I had never tried a slant and was a bit hesitant given that a few seem to think this is an advanced user razor. Well, I think I’m an experienced user but wouldn’t say advanced. My go to razor was a nice old Fatboy with a few other vintage TTO razors.

    I think this razor is perfectly fine for a new user. I use Feather blades. I think this gives a nice close shave with very little effort and no risk that I can see. This one is now my first choice for a quick close shave.


Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Getting BBS shaves

This was one of my first razor and still is one of the best. I would to be allowed to use only one razor, this would be the one. Mowing down the hairs and not even feeling the blade is the best feeling. No nicks and cuts. The blade fits in perfect all the time. I also like the 2 piece design. The weight is perfectly balanced.

Jeff K
Among my favorites (and my son's too!)

My uncle gave me my first one because it just didn't fit his face and he was having problems. Since then, it's become one of my go-to razors and has been used not only my my uncle and me, but by my dad, my brother and my son.

With an Astra, it will mow through a week's worth of growth like it isn't even there. When my son hit puberty, he initially got some acne and irritation when he used a cartridge, so I taught him how to use the slant and to go only with the grain. In a month or two, the acne was gone and he gets a great shave. I offered to let him use any razor in my collection from 1930s vintage Gillettes through modern all-stainless models, and all he will ever use is the 37C. I bought him one of his own, and I'm pretty sure he'll only give it up if I pry it from his hands.

Yves B.

Plenty say it is an agressive razor, they cut themselves, lots of irritations etc... Just one thing you were NOT told, align the blade with your razor top (cover) and watch the difference! You have to align your blade first, if not it is the worst possible razor, with that in mind try my my method and enjoy a smooth, close shave, irritation free!
Thank me afterwords!

R. E.
Merkur Slant 37C

I was thinking of a 39C then happened to look on kijiji and there was an almost new 37C. I had never tried a slant and was a bit hesitant given that a few seem to think this is an advanced user razor. Well, I think I’m an experienced user but wouldn’t say advanced. My go to razor was a nice old Fatboy with a few other vintage TTO razors.

I think this razor is perfectly fine for a new user. I use Feather blades. I think this gives a nice close shave with very little effort and no risk that I can see. This one is now my first choice for a quick close shave.